Saturday, June 11, 2022

Best 17 MOTIVATIONAL MOVIES 🏋️ you must watch when you are having hard times.

This post is a regressive list of motivational movies that will inspire you to achieve your dreams despite the difficulties that may arise. There are 17 films with a wide variety of themes but with a common goal, to show characters who were able to get ahead in the face of adversity and who showed the world what they were capable of.

17. Pain and gain - (2013)

16. Rush - (2013)

15. The social network - (2010)

14. Million Dollar Baby - (2004)

13. The bucket list - (2007)

12. The Wolf of Wallstreet (2013).

11. Gladiator - (2000)

10. Remember the Titans - (2000)
    Denzel Washington

9. Coach Carter - (2005)

8. The Shawshank redemption - (2004)

7. The boiler room - (2000) - Benn Affleck  

6. The Shawshank Redemption - (1994) 

5.The pursuit of happiness -(2006)

4.Any given Sunday - (1999)

3. Forrest Gump - (1994) - Tom Hanks

2. Rocky - (1976) - Silvestre Stallone.

1.  Men of Honor - (2000) - Robert de Niro

If there's any movie you think should be in this post please share it to the comments and also let us know your thoughts.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Reprogramming your mind


Many times we have heard that people are subconsciously programmed according to our social class, this has some truth, but it does not mean that it is definitive. As part of a society, our status is normally defined by the return we give to the community, that is, the more our skills help solve bigger problems and the less people can do it, the greater the possibility that our income will be greater.

There are different areas in which we possibly have a lot of experience and that make us do well in our businesses, jobs, school, personal life, etc., but what if we trained ourselves to improve in the aspects in which we are not so good? How much would our quality of life improve if we dedicated a few hours a day to learning about other areas that are not familiar to us?

Some time ago I noticed that in my work as a programmer, after several years of experience, my way of thinking was totally related to the methodologies used in computing and that I had extensive knowledge in this field, but unfortunately when it came time to make my payments of taxes, knowing about traffic laws, trying to remodel my house by wanting to build infrastructure, improve my diet among other activities, I had no idea about almost anything. This made me understand that it is not enough to become experts in just one area, apart from being the expert in your field of work or business, you need to have at least basic knowledge in other important areas in life.

After trying to acquire knowledge in different ways, I understood that the best way is reading works by authors who have experience in the topics of my interest. That is to say, when trying to obtain knowledge about finances, the best idea I could have was to start reading about basic financial education, thus helping me to improve my economic situation and therefore give my family a better quality of life, thus motivating me to keep learning this way. Today there are more than 100 books that I have read from different areas with a very simple method.

The reason why many people don't read books is because they think they must do it in a forced way, it is intimidating to see a 500 page book and believe that you will never be able to finish it. 

The easiest way to finish this type of book is to take advantage of the fact that they are divided by chapters. Like most people, I am also very busy during the day and it is difficult for me to sit down and read a book without getting distracted by thinking about all the activities that I have pending. But at a certain point I noticed that no matter how busy I was, I was able to read at least one chapter a day. In this way, it did not seem so impossible to read a 500-page book divided into 26 chapters during a month that has 30 days, that is, I could read a chapter that took me between 20 and 60 minutes, after that it is possible to continue with other activities and repeat the process the next day. 

The most important thing in this method is consistency. Reading one chapter per day helps you improve comprehension, since there is not so much information, so you can retain the most important and apply the knowledge acquired during the day.

Regarding the topics I wanted to read, I was also interested in knowing about the world of investments, how it was possible that there were people who made enough money to guarantee the economic health of theirs and some other generations of their family and who did not even work a 9-5 schedule like most of people today.

Once I understood these issues at a basic level, I could understand what actions I had to take to achieve my goals.

Knowing about laws, whether they are traffic laws or for the purchase of real estate, payment of taxes, deduction of expenses, is something that I think everyone should know, however it is something that very few people take into account.

For these reasons, here are the list of books that I recommend you read to delve into other areas, from these books I have obtained good ideas that have helped me improve my way of thinking and reprogram my mind to lead a more enjoyable life

This list have helped me to understand in a different maner how does the life works, and no matter  whether you are young or adult, we all may live better and with less anguish generated by money, which, although it is not the source of happiness, is necessary to have the tranquility and freedom that we need.

Thanks a lot for reading, please share the page with your collages if it you like it.

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